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Duurzame energieGoed wonen en leven


Naam Project: Biovergister
Categorie: Duurzame energie, Goed wonen en leven
Naam student: Kémil Chmayssani
School/opleiding student: Hanze University of Applied Sciences – International Facility Management
Type opdracht: Afstudeerproject


The municipality Ameland plans to introduce a bio-digester, which is meant to produce green gas. However, in order to produce biogas, the device needs to be supplemented with organic waste. The major source of organic waste is people. Therefore, the municipality of Ameland needs to know how they can encourage and facilitate their resident into separating as much organic waste as possible. 

‘How could Ameland facilitate and encourage their residents to maximize the separation of organic waste?’ 

The research is completed by using different research methods and models. The first method used is interviewing. Hans Kuperus is interviewed to receive information on the current organic waste management at Ameland. Then, the residents of Ameland were asked to answer a survey that would provide insight into their thoughts on the current organic waste management. Furthermore, literature research is used to attain information on how other regions outside of the Netherlands are facilitating and encouraging their residents to separate organic waste. The gap analysis is used to determine the current situation of organic waste management at Ameland and what the municipality needs to do to maximize organic waste management. Defra 4E’s model (2011) is used to structure and to provide meaning to the collected data gathered from the survey and the literature research. Finally, the ADKAR model (1996) is used to structure recommendations. 

This study has shown that the residents of Ameland are satisfied with the current organic waste management, but there are some improvements to be made. The municipality of Ameland could improve their facilitation and encouragement to separate organic waste among resident by enabling, engaging, and encouraging them while exemplifying the desired behaviour. 

Changes that the municipality Ameland could make are based on enabling, engaging, encouraging, and exemplifying. 

  • Enable: Ameland could start educational campaigns which provide information on why it is important to separate organic waste. Furthermore, the residents of Ameland desire facilities such as odour-proof trash cans, special waste buckets and free-biodegradable bags. In addition, the inhabitants would like to see a larger capacity for the organic waste container, free emptying of the organic waste container, and a cleansing of the container after being emptied. 
  • Engage: The municipality could include the residents more by founding a ‘green community’ and inform or discuss topics more often with the residents through social media or the municipality informational magazine. 
  • Encourage: The municipality of Ameland could encourage their resident by introducing the ‘polluter pay principle’ and by reducing the frequency of waste collection. 
  • Exemplify: The municipality should exemplify the desired behaviour by setting clear goals regarding organic waste separation and should tailor the policies to these goals. 

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